Monday, February 6, 2012

Sassafrass.....A new Beginning

Action...thats what got me thru this list year..Prayer and action.  If you can just take a tiny action it will get you moving in some sort of direction.  I don't know where this new business will take me but it is something I always wnted to do.  Sensible people say no, don't even try, waste of time and money.  But what kind of world would we live in if everyone was sensible and logical.  Someone has to act on not so sensible dreams, right??:)


B's Mommy said...

Dream BiG!! They do come true!!

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GingerLouise Clothing said...

UPDATE! Almost a year later. I've been working on an organic/farm nursery. Now, during the off season working in a florist Started an organic catering business using home grown veggies and flowers!

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