I am shipping my last orders tonight and will be posting new things starting wednesday. I must say I am very nervous, I don't know what this is about but I am afraid to touch my new fabric--those old feelings of it will never be good enough or it could be predesigning jitters. Oh life!

So Etsy is sponsoring this "Yart Sale" Special discounts and fun....I love etsy! So search yart to see all participants.
For me, any of my return customers or anyone who leaves a comment on my blog will reserve 10% off anything they purchase from my new summer line.
And anyone who makes a purchase during this month will be entered in a contest to win a $50 gift certificate towards fall clothes.
And in August their will be a photo contest, the whole month of August you can post an outfit of your child in something fromone of my new summer lines and once again win a chance for a $50 gift certificate towards fall.
So check out my Etsy shop here and if you are not a return customer make sure you leave a comment here!
Thank you for promoting the Yart Sale! I look forward to seeing you June 10th-June 14th!
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