Cute Name!!Where do you sell? On Etsy and a little locally.
Have you ever sold anywhere else? In the Beehive Co-op, Atlanta, GA. Great shop if you are ever near!
Ever sell on ebay, if not will you? No I haven't. I may try my hand at it one day, but for right now I love being in the Etsy world.
When did you get started? I used to send my Mother patterns for little girl's clothing that I liked, and she would make them for me. Until one day, in March of 2004, I cracked open my first pattern...and haven't quit since.

Did you have a career before this? I have had LOTS of careers before this (giggle). Let's see, I was a nanny, I was a US Marine. I worked in the accounts payable dept. for a large, family owned business in Atlanta. I was an assistant manager for The Limited for about a year. And I was a hairdresser back in the 80's and early 90's.
Have you always been interested in design, any schooling? Nope, no schooling. Yes, I have always loved design. I have doodled many ideas on paper. I have had an obsession with fabrics for about 20 years now. It started with decorating. Folks have often told me I had a knack for putting fabrics together. Now I do it with little girl's wardrobe's in mind.

Any advice to young girls who want to become designers? DON'T WAIT! Just jump in, the water is warm! Start with a pattern or two - even if you have to put two (or three or more) patterns together to help get the design you want, do it. Then you will begin to start making your own and you will never stop. Who knows, it may lead you into designing fabrics!
How do you get your name out there? Do you advertise or spend a lot of time blogging? Gosh, right now it's just listing through Etsy and my clients. People see my designs on other children and ask "Where did you get that dress?". My blog has only been up and running for 24 hours, so I guess that wouldn't count :).
What makes your designs stand out? Definitely the fabrics.

You did really well last season with that fabulous photo, why do you think that took off the way it did? I guess that style of photography is what is popping right now.
What do you want our readers to know about you? I will just take this right off my blog: I LOVE Mexican food and hate gossip. I get brutal headaches if I eat peanuts. I drive the speed limit (weird hu?) I sing in my church. I chew ice (bad, I know.) I drink coffee to the taste level of cake batter. I don't like crowds. My sister can make me laugh harder than anyone. I always wear my hair up in a twist or ponytail....(I don't even know why I wear it long). My husband and 4 children are my engine. Clothing design is my thrill. And my faith is my reason.
What is something special or a favorite of yours? Chocolate covered pretzels.

Are you part of any online boutique groups? No, I am not.
I love your photos, do you take your own, if so what kind of camera do you use and are you self taught? Oh gosh. The good photos were taken by a photographer by the name of Jennifer Anderson in VA. The "not so good" ones are taken in my studio, in a little corner, and I use a Nikon D40. I am self taught and in great need of lessons!
Inspiration? Giving, giving and more giving. And by folks with a strong faith. I really want to be like that when I grow-up. I am working on it.
Hobbies? Don't laugh...organizing. I organize my studio about twice a week. And my kid's closets. It feels SO good when it's done! I like wrapping presents too, isn't that funny? (You can laugh at that one.) When I know I am giving someone a gift, I think..."Oh, what can do different?" Even if it's for my kid's friends. I like to read. I used to love to run, but don't anymore. But I should (laugh.) Dinner and a movie with my shoog (my husband). And sewing for the caboose.

Married, children? YES! Married to Adam (AO) and we have 4 children...Andrew 14, Emily 13, Isabel 6 and our little China doll Molli who is 3.
Favorite ebay or etsy sellers? Gosh, I am not on eBay a whole lot but I do order fabric from there at times. I love working with Chakra and ShuShu Style. I have LOADS of Etsy designers that I love but here are four..."Sky Girl Style" - she makes the cutest lil' booties for babies! "My Little Chickadees" - you MUST check out her necklaces!! We own a couple. "Little Tile Gnomes" - CUTE tiles for coasters! "Enna Design Shop" - just cute little stuff. "Apple Blossom Baby" - great baby/child gifts!
What can we expect from you this fall? It's a secret :) Kidding. Peasant,
peasant and more peasant.
How are you leaving the world a better place? Teaching my kids to anchor deep. And that they don't have to finish EVERYTHING on their plates :) Give to the poor, don't eat for them!
Thank you so much! This was fun!!
You can find Pish Posh Girls at:
1 comment:
I really enjoyed answering your questions! Thank you for highlighting our interview. It was a true pleasure :) Laura
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