
Friday, November 14, 2008

Fingerprint Friday

First, if your looking for this week's give away, scroll down and second, if you've been tagged, scroll down!

My photo for Fingerprint Friday. I love this photo! A few days ago, I met the mother of these beautiful children in my Etsy shop. She sent me this photo to show me what her daughter looked like. I wanted to ask her if I could use it for today but was embarressed. Tonight Sarah and I happened to be on the computer at the same time and I was having a very difficult moment. Sarah offered to pray for me and my child and it was a prayer that couldn't have come at a better time. So I think this is how God showed himself to me this week.
If you would like to join in, go over to Pampering Beckie.


  1. That is so beautiful! The children and the story...

    It's amazing how these blessings and fingerprints are everywhere, when we take time to look. What a blessing for you to have a new friend!

  2. Such cute kids! The power of prayer and of friendship are very uplifting. God's blessings on you this Friday.

  3. What a great story and beautiful picture. Yes, God does show Himself to us when we are still in His presence. God Bless

  4. That is what I call a divine appointment!
    Aren't those kids sweet?!
    Tight cyber hugs to you!

  5. So sweet - love the little one's pouty face.

    Isn't it great when God touches you in just the way you need, just when you need it?

  6. What a heartfelt post! The kids are adorable...but your words are what touched me.....God's Fingerprints for sure! Prayers that the difficult moment has passed!

  7. i'm partial, but i think they're way cute too! :) hope today was a good day. thinking of you.

  8. I am so sorry you were down . I am glad she was there for you. Her children are beautiful. I am and will pray for you and your daughter...m..
