
Crew..part of our new life

Crew...what the hec is that?   rowing and racing and very expensive:)   So instead of taking the subway home from styvuesant, dd is rowing down this beautiful river every day after school!  Someone took this photo at a race.  It's one of the best photos I ever saw, each girl is focused on something different, I dont know what it is about this pic....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Our Cottage by the Sea

I don't know what happened!  One minute we were living in NYC, the next minute, here we are in our cottage by the sea!  It all happened so quickly.  Just a rented house, but still a house with 2 floors!  Lots of kitchen cabinets and a huge yard and attic.  We have only been here a few weeks, I want to hold on to the feeling of wow!  But I feel it slipping away.
I am planting lots and lots of flowers to sell, I get to live out all my other dreams now, of gardening and flower farming and baking and teaching dollmaking and making things from herbs and edble flowers and having backyard parties under hanging lights.
Possibly starting an online class teaching how to make a waldorf doll.