
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Holiday Cheer...25 Days of Christmas

Every Day from now until Christmas, I will be listing a Holiday Cheer Coupon from $5-$20!  Limit 1 Per Customer!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Marketing Your Shop

Marketing Your Business newly listed here!

About Me:)

I have been designing and selling childrens clothes for over 20 years, owned 2 store in NYC and had a small factory where we produced everything. Now after successfully selling boutique clothing on Etsy for 2 Years, I am starting a new business doing what I really love, creating new designs to sell as sewing tutorials via ebook.
And helping other woman market there small business!

I can help you grow your boutique business!

Lynn from Sugar Bumps
Of course, it's okay. I have made over $2,000 just since you said do appliques, which I would have probably never have thought of!!! Thank you!

and Butterflies and Bees

Also newly listed

Lycra and an EBook here

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sewing Tutorials...Knit Ebooks/Patterns

Newly listed Sewing Tutorials !!

I have released a few of my knitwear patterns.

Available today for 15% off Cyber Monday Sale.

 or you can use this link for 6 very discounted Ebooks...pick any 6 on my site!

Winner # 19 Dawn!

Congratulations Dawn, mom of twins!

Random Number Generator

This page simply picks a random number, within a range you specify.

For example, to pick a number between 1 and 100, set the Lowest Number to be 1, and the Highest Number to be 100.

Then click on Pick a Number to pick the number. That's it. Have fun!

If you found this useful, consider visiting the main Violet Cottage website. Thanks for visiting!

The randomly picked number is: 19