
Saturday, October 31, 2009

All Hallows Eve

Happy Halloween! Because it's only my daughter and myself here and we usually celebrate all the holidays at my mothers house, I try and make memories for her when I can in our little apartment. Its good for me and her. Last night I was able to put all financial concerns to the side and enjoy the night. I love having parties and usually have a big halloween or Christmas party. Although not fancy, they still cost a fortune. So instead last night a had a few friends over. On a shoe string I was able to creaet a cozy memorable evening. In one of my Susan Branch books ( she talks about creating a good party, low lights, nice smells coming from the kitchen, music and of course, great frinds.
I went down to the farmers market and got
3 pumpkins $5 ea
Pear Cider $5
cin sugar donuts 5 for $2
A bag of apples $5
gourds for decoration
and tiny pears decoration and food.
We made homemade pizza amd pumkin pie. My dd sturffed the crust with cheese, delicious! We carved pumpkins, roasted pumpkin seeds and OMG I never did that before, so good!Wash seeds coat with olive oil and salt, then bake for 20 minutes at 325. We Played boggle and watched Charlie Brown's Halloween. A lovely evening.

My Scrabble/boggle friend:)

Baby Pears

Jack O'Lanterns

Have a safe and fun Halloween!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fingerprint Friday

Fingerprint Friday

There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:
I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know its true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of god
So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them?

Foe me this week, please see the blog entree below and send prayers. I have been on the pity pot all week feeling completly hopeless and lost. I saw this on my facebook page and it helped me to put things in prespective. How does God show himself, thru us, thru prayers. Please send your prayers to this sweet little boy who I think is only about 2 years old..

Also, please go to Pampering beki here to add in your own thoughts.

Please pray for a miracle....

I juat saw this on my facebook page, please send this family some BIG prayers.

Tyson UpdateShare
Yesterday at 9:44pm
I will begin with the statement that has carried us through the last 17 months.

“We worship God not because He heals, but because He can heal and even if HE chooses not too, HE IS STILL GOD!!” -Jared Trumbo

Today, God is still God! And we will worship Him and trust Him because He is still in control and He has a great plan.

Today was Tyson’s MRI in Washington. Over the last 3 weeks we have feared the worst from this scan and have been preparing for that. But we had to know. Our worst fear is true. The scan did show today that the tumor has grown and at a significant rate. Currently the tumor has not spread to the base of his brain or down his spine, but it has spread slightly to the left side of his brain and has been growing into the cavity. At this point it has covered the shunt which is no longer draining. It was very hard news to hear.

We sat with our Oncology team (Dr. Rood, Debbie (Nurse practitioner), and Sharon(social worker)) and at some point everyone had tears in their eyes. Tyson has fought as hard as he could, but modern medicine has failed. The thing we must remember is that we were not relying on modern medicine and, according to His word, GOD NEVER FAILS. I think this journey at Children Hospital was summed up best by Debbie. The last thing she said to us was, “ We will never forget Tyson.” I said, “ That is good to hear because this can not be in vain.”

For Tyson, right now, he is sleeping about 18 hours a day. When he is awake, he is not very interactive, only a few movements and words. He is very aware of what is going on. He listens for Jeremy and I to be close by. He has known when different members of the family have come in to town, The other day, Tyler got to the house, Tyson opened his eyes, pointed to the tv, and told Tyler, ball. He wanted to watch baseball with his uncle Tyler.

We are working very hard with the hospital and with hospice to stay ahead of the pain he might be feeling. The Dr. could not give us a good timeline, but due to the shunt not working, he guessed maybe weeks.

This past weekend we told the kids. We were very honest with them and, if you have talked with Carson you know he understands and is very blunt. Kaylynn has always been very quiet about it, but the other night she asked me to lay in bed with her. She said “Mommy, when Tyson goes to heaven, does that mean the ball will be gone and Jesus will make him all better.” I said “yes.” Then she said, “ And in heaven, that ball will NEVER come back.” When I told her she was right, she smiled and threw her arms around my neck. That is what we have always wanted, for that ball to never come back.

Each of the kids are dealing with it in their own ways, like us. But I think Reese (Chyloe’s 3 year old) explained it best. He told her a few days ago. “Mommy, God is sad today.” Chyloe asked him why God was sad. He said “because He does not have baby Tyson yet and he is very excited to get baby Tyson.” The innocence and faith of a child. It has kept us going through this whole ordeal.

Do not let me fool you, I have my bad moments, plenty of them. But God always seems to be there in my lowest moments. Last night I asked Jeremy the question, “ How many people have to pray for a miracle?” Today God answered that with a question in my mind. How any people have to pray for one person to come to Christ? Yesterday (last night to us) because of Tyson and the testimony of the family, Chyloe and Jared’s AIY (Maid/nanny) in China accepted Christ as her Savior. It does not take the pain away, but it does soften the heart in a hard time. I pray that there are many more stories like that one, Tyson’s life can not be in vain.

Please continue to pray for the family.

Specific Prayers
-Carson, Kaylynn, Miyah, Gracee, Keegan, & Reese as they deal with this so young.
-Pray for Tyson’s pain level, help us to understand what he needs..
-Pray that he has good, happy days with his family

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Jubilee..Happy Holidays

New holiday items being listed in my etsy shop.