My good friend Robbie. Besides being a fabulous photographer, is one of the most loving and giving people I know and she has a heart of gold. With that said, it started like this:
This says Christine: "Your not selling any of your beautiful designer print fabric dresses because your pictures stink" O.K.! What now? Robbie to the rescue: "Of course I'll help" Name the time!
So I gather up 5 adorable little girls from the neighborhood, 5 of them under the age of six with four outfits each to model, along with their mothers and babysitters. Yes, this is new to me and I was very excited and inexperienced in childrens photography! Since I have lived in NY, I have always dreamed of doing a fashion shoot at the Peter Pan Statue in Carl Schultz Park. It is so charming and magical and reminiscent of days gone by with its raised garden of heirloom flowers, that gorgeous statue and winding cobblestone paths.
It was a pretty chaotic three hours but Robbie was very professional and with a big smile got a lot of great shots. Above and below are some of the photos. If you would like to contact her or see more of her work you can go here! www.Robbiemichaelsphotography.com
Thanks Robbie! Love you!